
Over time, the aging process causes our skin to lose its natural elasticity, and the skin around the eyes is subject to loosening often – resulting in a sagging of the eyelids. Canthoplasty is a procedure designed to lift the eye’s outer corner (the lateral canthus), and enlarge the opening of the eye.

Portrait of smiling senior woman with perfect skin showing victory sign near eye on grey background. Closeup face of mature woman showing successful results after anti-aging wrinkle treatment.

With a canthoplasty, sagging or drooping eyes are elevated by surgically tightening the muscles that support the outer corners of the eye. The procedure involves cutting the lower canthal tendon and then repositioning it in order to better support the eyelid. Our surgeon is careful to make the incision align within the eyelid’s natural crease in order to minimize any scarring.

The result of this surgery is that it essentially alters the shape of the eye – often creating an aesthetically-pleasing, almond eye shape that appears more open. This procedure has been known to enhance a lower lid blepharoplasty, and can make the eyes appear more youthful, brighter and wider.

If a patient only exhibits a small amount of drooping, a less-invasive option is a canthopexy procedure which does not require detaching or reconstructing the lateral canthal tendon. Instead, sutures are used to tighten and stabilize the tendon and orbicularis oculi muscle – a method that is often used in conjunction with a lower lid blepharoplasty.

Are There Risks Associated with Canthoplasty?

As with all surgeries, complications can occur but are rare with a canthoplasty procedure. Swelling, soreness and bruising can occur after surgery and appear for two to three weeks before fading. Some patients experience excess tearing or blurry vision during the first several weeks after the procedure. The eyes and the skin around the eyes are delicate, but our skilled surgeon at Frantz Cosmetic Center knows that the health and safety of our vision is our utmost priority. Every patient is handled with extreme skill and care, and we work tirelessly toward satisfactory outcomes for all of our patients.

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