UltraSlim® and UltraSmooth™

Discover UltraSlim®—the ONLY Non-invasive Procedure for Immediate Fat Loss*

Woman measuring her bare waist

UltraSlim is a revolutionary new procedure that uses a special type of light and the body’s natural detoxification abilities to expel fat cells from the body. Translation: A sleeker, slimmer you! UltraSlim uses a patented non-invasive device to safely remove fat from the body without side effects or adverse outcomes. Lose fat in just 32 minutes with:

  • NO drugs
  • NO pain
  • NO downtime

In multi-site clinical trials, UltraSlim was proven to be 98% effective for all patients. Losses at each visit ranged from 1.625 inches to 10 inches! It is THE BEST way to lose belly fat!

98% of patients lose at least 2 inches off their measurements on their initial visit!

UltraSlim vs. CoolSculpting: Here’s the Skinny

With all the advancements in body sculpting technologies available today, it can be challenging to determine which ones are worth the investment and which ones are not. While some other fat loss/body contouring procedures are available today, there are significant differences in how they work and how quickly individuals see results when compared to UltraSlim. One popular body contouring and fat loss technique is called CoolSculpting, which promises to freeze fat away. While it might seem similar to UltraSlim on the surface, there are significant differences

Let’s take a look:

Ultraslim vs. coolsculpting chart

Is UltraSlim Safe?

UltraSlim is safer than any other body sculpting technology available today because it is completely non-invasive. In fact, the device doesn’t even touch the body. Other body contouring devices  using cold for fat freezing, heat, ultrasound, radio-frequency or laser apoptosis can have adverse outcomes and unwanted side effects.

Does UltraSlim Work?

UltraSlim has a proven track record, with 98% of patients losing at least 2 inches off their measurements at their initial visit! In multi-site clinical trials, UltraSlim has been proven 98% effective for all patients.*   Ready to lose your belly and bra fat and love handles as well as targeted other areas of unwanted fat? It’s time for UltraSlim!  

Before and after ultraslim


UltraSmooth™ is a treatment recommended for the reduction of fat and the appearance of cellulite. UltraSmooth™ shrinks fat cells while relaxing bands of connective tissue to produce exceptionally smoother skin. This treatment is not painful, and is second only to UltraSlim® as the most effective, noninvasive, FDA-cleared treatment for fat reduction. Patients achieve the optimum results from the patented UltraSmooth™ procedure when completing six treatment visits (typically 3 weekly for 2 weeks). The treatment is a photobiomodulation therapy in which the desired target area is exposed to a special kinetic energy green light for about 20 minutes – after which a percussive massage unit is applied topically. This method provides the necessary action to effect a natural cellular response in the skin and fat tissue. Between each visit, the patient should wear a compression garment. UltraSmooth™ treatments do not cause discomfort and there are no known side-effects. Diet and exercise are not required in order to see positive results!

Before and after ultrasmooth

Body contouring in Naples and Fort Myers has become more accessible and affordable to residents as more nonsurgical techniques are being used.

Get ready to start slimming.


or call 239-418-0999

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